Mirus Lineator HP2
Mirus Lineator HP2
High Performance LINEATOR™ for EC Fan Applications
Many Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) manufacturers are now offering lower cost drives with lower DC bus capacitance. This configuration is also very common when inverters are integrated with permanent magnet motors in EC fan or pump equipment where significant energy savings is an additional benefit. But the lower DC bus capacitance can make application of harmonic mitigation equipment much more difficult because even a simple line reactor can lead to instability.
Most harmonic filters available on the market, including Active Filters, are not effective on this equipment. The Mirus Lineator AUHF-HP2 model has been specifically designed to mitigate the harmonics, even those at higher frequencies, without causing instability. It prevents resonance which can lead to amplification of the harmonics and can meet < 5% iTDD even when measured up to the 500th harmonic.